Simple lightbox component.
Simple lightbox component.
Generate OG images from a static folder and / or a middleware. Extract metadata from HTML pages. No headless browser involved. Comes as a CLI, API or plugins.
Table of Contents (ToC) generator for Astro. Use custom components for interactivity.
Embed YouTube videos with a static placeholder which only embeds when you click
Let's you choose between Astro Adapters based off of the `ASTRO_ADAPTER_MODE` environment variable.
Beautify html files on astro final bundle with js-beautify
An easy way to customize the syntax highlighting of MDX fenced code blocks by providing your own Astro component.
Access the Astro global from MDX, React, and other framework components.
This is a template for an Astro component library. Use this template for writing components to use in multiple projects or publish to NPM.
Add Decap CMS’s admin dashboard to your Astro project
Design system for CV and letter generation in Astro
Astro component for cached icons
Astro Integration of @originjs/module-federation package.
Display a progress bar between page navigations when using View Transitions
A typography component for Astro and React to use in your projects.
Windi CSS + Astro Integrations
Anyone can submit an integration to Astro. If you have questions about building your own integration, join our community on Discord!
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